Virtual tour on the Guida Rotate
Guida rotate showing off one of my 360 degree panoramas at the Museums and Heritage show at Earls Court. Using this for a virtual tour is great fun ! Navigate and find information using the touchscreen and turn it around a full 360 degrees to view the panorama.
The GuidA Rotate revolves on a horizontal plane and tracks a virtual view of the space it sits in. Use the touchscreen to access multimedia hotspots linked to the direction and material they are looking at, which can be video, animation, images, text or audio.
- It is sensitive to 360 degree movement, with the image of the space visitors are standing in, always in synchronisation
- A very robust housing able to withstand public use and can be easily customised
- Can take visitors from an actual space to other places on the site
- Allows maps and plans to always be facing the right way up for the visitor
- Ideal for multilingual delivery of information